Chirag Yojana Haryana 2024 Online Registration, Last Date चिराग योजना दाखिला रजिस्ट्रेशन शुरू|

Chirag Yojana Haryana A private education is something that many families wish to provide for their kids, but finances frequently get in the way. The Haryana government has launched the Chirag Yojana programme in an effort to address this problem. This programme aims to make private schooling more affordable for kids from low-income households.

Through the provision of scholarships and other educational resources, the Haryana Education Minister has already taken action to assist students from low-income families. We shall go into the specifics of the Chirag Yojana in this post, looking at its goals and the advantages it offers underprivileged kids.

Chirag Yojana Haryana 2024

According to Chirag Yojana, financially disadvantaged students from extremely low-income families will receive financial aid to attend private schools. Under this scheme, the government will provide basic offices for the benefit of such impoverished students, giving government school kids the opportunity to attend private schools for free.

The family makes less than Rs 1.80 lakh a year. They can advocate for the advantages of the Chirag Yojana. The government intends to cover about 25,000 understudies under the plot in the first stage, which will include students in courses 2 through 12. Tap to see additional information about Haryana RTE Affirmation.

The administration has eliminated Rule 134A in order to start this Chirag plot. Additionally, the government seriously considers allowing low-income children to attend private schools at no cost. Private schools in Haryana have already been working with the government, and several of them have consented to admit unused confirmations under the plot. He added that he had agreed to provide free education to impoverished children attending private schools, and that he had fulfilled his promise by starting this plot.

Chirag Yojana Haryana 2024 Overview

 Scheme Haryana Chirag Scheme Admission 2024
 Issuer Haryana Education Department
 Education session 2023-24
 Beneficiary Category Only Haryana State Schools
 Beneficiary class Children from poor families of Haryana.
 Total seats24,987
 Method Offline
 Official website Click Here

Chirag Yojana Haryana Objectives 2024

Chirag Yojana in Hindi The primary goal of 2023, as spearheaded by the Haryana State Government, is to provide students from the state’s lower socioeconomic backgrounds with the means to demand admission in private schools in order to demand high-quality education. Below this conspiracy, there is a free transfer agreement between state-run private schools and understudies enrolled in government schools from lesson two to lesson twelve.

Yes, the Haryana State Government recently offered the state’s impoverished understudies the chance to enrol in private schools through Run the Show 134A. However, this run the show was rejected within the academic year of 2023, and the Haryana Chirag Yojana 2023 was implemented instead. Under this, the state government will pay the private schools’ instructional costs for the recipient understudies.

Chirag Yojana Haryana 2024 Benefits

  • The Haryana State Government launched the Chirag Yojana, which provides financial assistance to the state’s less fortunate students.
  • This state government plot was initiated in the current academic year by overturning Run the Show 134A, which provides free education at private schools to students from low-income and impoverished backgrounds.
  • Under this conspiracy, understudies enrolled in courses 2 through 12 at state-run government schools are free to transfer to private institutions.
  • The state government will cover the understudies’ private school tuition costs under the Haryana Chirag Yojana 2023, which is overseen by the Haryana Instruction Office.
  • Understudies from poorer and less financially stable places will be able to effectively receive high-quality education without any financial restrictions thanks to this state government plot.
  • Also, the state’s instruction rate will increase with the help of this conspiracy.

Chirag Yojana Haryana 2024 Eligibility

An understudy must meet the following requirements in order to apply for the plot:

  1. He should live in the state of Haryana.
  2. The family earning less than Rs 1,80,000 per year should be the student’s goal.
  3. Students who are enrolled in the Haryana Chirag Yojana and who demonstrate exceptional academic performance will be eligible to receive incentives.
  4. Students from the state of Haryana will have the option to attend private schools starting in lesson two and continuing until lesson twelve.

Chirag Yojana Haryana 2024 Documents

The list of printed materials needed for the Chirag Yojana is as follows:

  • To switch from the open school framework to the private framework, a certificate is needed.
  • Official understudy photo ID.
  • A family certificate attesting to their parent(s)’ income.

How to apply for Haryana’s Chirag Yojana in 2024?

  • You must first visit the Instruction Division, Haryana official site .
  • At this moment, the website’s homepage will appear on your screen.
  • You must select the Haryana Chirag Yojana Online Frame option on the website’s homepage
  • Subsequently, the application form will appear in front of you in PDF format.
  • It may now be necessary for you to download and print this application form in PDF format.
  • Subsequently, you will need to fill out the application form with all of the pertinent details that are needed.
  • Currently, you will have to link the application frame to all the essential records.
  • Currently, you must deliver the completed application form and the linked reports to the BEO office that is closest to you.
  • Following that, the relevant division will verify the form of your application.
  • Following that, on July 11, 2023, the office will announce the results of the fortunate draw, which will be used to choose understudies.

How can one apply to any school participating in the Chirag Yojana?

  1. The assertion is limited to the private school whose name is listed on the Outline 6 building.
  2. Verification may be allowed if the understudy is recommended by their previous school, provided that it was during the period when they updated their information on the Data Haze entry.

FAQs : Chirag Yojana Haryana 2024

1. What is Chirag Yojana in Haryana 2024?

Chirag Yojana is a program started by the Haryana government in 2024 to help kids from families with less money go to private schools.

2. Who can get help from Chirag Yojana?

It’s mainly for students from families with not much money. The rules might say you need to have a low family income to qualify.

3. What does Chirag Yojana give to students?

Chirag Yojana gives support like money for school (scholarships) and other things that make it easier for students with less money to study in private schools.

4. How can parents apply for Chirag Yojana help?

Parents can find out how to apply at local education offices or on the government website. They’ll need to give some documents and follow the rules mentioned by the Haryana government.

5. What’s Chirag Yojana aiming to do in the long run?

Chirag Yojana wants to make sure all kids, no matter how much money their family has, get a good education. It hopes to make things better for students with less money by giving them a chance for a great education and a better future.


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